Considering Starting A Drone Business? Here Are Some Businesses To Market To

13 August 2015
 Categories: Technology, Articles

Now that the FAA has approved the drones for commercial use by filing for exemptions to obtain permits, you may be considering starting a drone business. Many businesses can use the images and videos obtained by drones but some businesses may not meet the requirements for the exemption. When they don't, they will look for drone operators to obtain the images and videos they need for their business. If you are considering a commercial venture in drones, you'll need to know which types of businesses to market to. Read More 

How To Provide A Long, Healthy Life For Your Printers

14 April 2015
 Categories: Technology, Articles

Printers are office workhorses and they seldom receive respect in return for the work they do. However, printers can fail prematurely if they aren't used correctly or if preventative maintenance is ignored. Below are some simple things you can do to keep your printers operational for a long time: Materials and tools you will need Isopropyl rubbing alcohol – use 91% or higher concentration to speed up evaporation and lessen the risk of water entering sensitive components. Read More 

3 Ways To Personalize Your Telemarketing Job

19 March 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you have recently started working at a call center, you may wonder how to get more people to listen to your pitch. It is normal to feel slightly intimidated when calling people you do not know and new telemarketers may become frustrated with the lack of warm responses to their efforts. To make telemarketing more interesting and engaging for both yourself and the person you are calling, you should do a few simple things to personalize the experience. Read More 

2 Business Phone System Upgrades You Should Ask About

17 February 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you own a business, you might be more concerned about securing a great shipment of inventory or impressing that investor than you are about your phone system. However, you might be able to improve your workflow by making a few small changes to those old lines. Here are two business telephone systems upgrades you should ask about, and how they can make a difference: 1: Voicemail Transcriptions When your employees get to work, they might find themselves going through loads of voicemail from the night before. Read More 

3 Great Uses For Sewer Pipe Cameras

5 February 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you've ever wondered what the purpose of a sewer camera is, you may be surprised to know that they can be useful in a variety of situations. For instance, if you are considering buying a new home, having a sewer pipe inspection using a camera can eliminate plumbing surprises after you purchase the property. They can also be used to help reduce the time and costs of sewer line replacement and repair for existing property owners. Read More